HAL: 359996
Recent articles and communications
Allais, R., Capart A., Da Silva A., Boiron O., Intervertebral centres of rotation locations during lateral bending and axial rotation: new biomechanical insights, (2022), Scientific Reports, submitted.
Capart A., Wojack J., Allais R., Ghiss M., Boiron O., Da Silva A. (2022), Quantitative photoacoustic reconstruction of the optical properties of intervertebral discs using gradient descent scheme, Photonics, 9(2), 116.
Allais R., Boiron O., Capart A., Da Silva A., Intervertebral disc mechanical response to axial rotation: the consequence of a mobile center of rotation on the collagen fibers, (2022), 47th congress of the Société de Biomécanique, 26-28 October, Monastir, Tunisia.
Pongérard A., Mallo L., Do Sacramento V., Maître B., Boiron O., Lanza F., Gachet C., Knapp Y. and Strassel C., (2022), Development and characterization of a high yield platelet release device: From bench-scale to large culture platelet production, AAA annual meeting, 1-4 October, Orlando, USA.
Chevet E., Boiron O., Anselmet F., Modelling of air pollution in Mediterranean coastal cities due to marine traffic, (2022), SuST International Symp. and workshops, 14-17 July , Nysiros, Greece.
Pongérard A., Mallo L., Do Sacramento V., Boiron O., Lanza F., Gachet C., Knapp Y., Strassel C., ( 2022), Platelet release device: from bench-scale to large culture platelet production, Int. Soc. of Thrombosis and Haemostasis , 9-13 July, London.
Boiron O., Lanza F., Gachet C., Strassel C., Knapp Y., (2022), In depth analysis of the effects of unsteady flows on platelet release from suspensions of proplatelet-bearing megakaryocytes, Int. Soc. of Thrombosis and Haemostasis , 9-13 July , London.
Allais R., Capart A., Da Silva A., Boiron O., (2022), New insights on the intervertebral disc centre of rotation during flexion, 9th World Congress of Biomech. , 10-14 July , Taipe, Taiwan.
Capart A., Wojak J., Allais R., Boiron O., Da Silva A., (2022), Assessment of intervertebral disks viability with quantitative photoacoustic tomography, Biophotonics congress: Biomedical optics, 24-27 April, Fort Lauderdale, USA.
K. Metwalli, O. Boiron, V. Deplano, S. Prost, A. Da Silva, Probing intervertebral discs with Photoacoustics, (2019), < i>Proc. SPIE 11077, Opto-Acoustic Methods and Applications in Biophotonics IV, 110771P, 19 July.
Chetoui M., Boiron O., Ghiss M., Dogui A., Deplano V. (2019), Assessment of intervertebral disc degeneration-related properties using finite element models based on ρ-H weighted MRI data, Biomech. and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Vol. 18 Issue 1, 17-28
M. A. Chetoui, O. Boiron, A. Dogui, V. Deplano., Intervertebral disc nutrition modeling : use of MRI to assess initial parameters,
(2018), 8th World Congress of Biomech., July 8-12, Dublin.
O. Boiron, E. Bertrand, I. Katz, Space-time-resolved measurements of aerosol deposition in an idealized model of upper airways,
(2018), 8th World Congress of Biomech. , july 8-12, Dublin.
Boufi M., Guivier-Curien C., Loundou A.D., Deplano V., Boiron O., Chaumoitre K., Gariboldi V., Alimi Y. (2017), Morphological analysis of healthy aortic arch. Europ. Journal of Vascular and Endovascular surgery, Vol. 53-5, 663-670.
M. A. Chetoui, O. Boiron, A. Dogui, V. Deplano., Prediction of intervertebral disc mechanical response to axial load using isotropic and fiber reinforced FE models, (2017) Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 20(S1), 39-40. Proceedings of the Congrès de la société de biomécanique, Reims (France).
Deplano V., Boufi M., Boiron O., Guivier-Curien C., Alimi Y., Bertrand E. (2016), Biaxial tensile tests of the porcine ascending aorta. Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 49, 2031-2037
Ghiss, M., Giannesini, B., Tropiano, P. , Tourki, Z., Boiron, O. (2015). Quantitative MRI water
content mapping of porcine intervertebral disc during axial compression, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Boufi, M., Guivier-Curien, C., Dona, B., Loundou, A., Deplano, V., Boiron, O., Hartung, O., Alimi, Y. (2016), Risk factors analysis for the mal-positioning of thoracic aortic stent-grafts. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Vol. 52-1, 56-63.
Scheinherr, A., Bailly, L., Boiron, O., Lagier, A., Legou, T., Pichelin, M., Caillibotte, G., Giovanni, A. (2015). Realistic glottal motion and airflow rate during human breathing. Medical Engineering & Physics, 37-9, 829-839
Boufi, M., Guivier-Curien, C., Deplano, V., Boiron, O., Loundou, A., Dona, B., Hartung, O.,
Alimi, Y. (2015). Risk factor analysis of bird beak occurence after thoracic endovascular repair. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 50-1, 37-43.
Deplano, V., Boufi, M., Boiron, O., Alimi, Y., Bertrand, E., (2015). Mechanical caracterization of porcine ascending aorta. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, (18), 1922-1923. Proceedings of the Congrès de la société de biomécanique, Paris (France)
Chetoui, M., Boiron, O., Dogui, A., Deplano, V., (2015). IVD nutrition processes under compressive load: a finite deformation model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, (18), 1898-1899. Proceedings of the Congrès de la société de biomécanique, Paris (France).
Boiron, O., Scheinherr, A., Bailly, L. (2015). Transport et dépôt d’aérosols dans les voies aériennes supérieures. Proceedings of the Congrès Francais de Mécanique. Lyon (France).
Belka, M., Elcner, J., Jedelsky, J., Boiron, O., Knapp, Y., Bailly, L., (2015). Measurement of cyclic flow in trachea using PIV and numerical simulation. EPJ Web of conf., (92), 02006. Proceedings of International conference Experimental Fluid, Cesky-Krumlov (Czech Republic).
Boiron, O., Scheinherr, A., Elliot, A.R., Bailly, L., Theilmann, R.J., Darquenne, C., (2015), Dynamics of the glottis during breathing, 20th congress Inter. Society of Aerosol for Med., Munchen (Germany).